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Abstract Presenters

* Abstract submisson has ended

Abstract Presentation Guidelines

The WFNS 2017 Istanbul Congress Scientific Committee will notify the presenting author of the status of their abstract in April 17, 2017. The Scientific Committee graciously requests that all interested parties please refrain from directly contacting the Scientific Committee to obtain information regarding abstract status, notification distribution and/or publication dates. Please check the WFNS 2017 Istanbul Congress website regularly for the most up-to-date information. It is the presenting author's responsibility to then notify all co-authors.

IMPORTANT: The presenting author is the sole point of contact for all abstract co-authors. The Scientific Committee will direct all co-author inquiries to the presenting author.

Oral and poster abstract final presentation numbers are published in the online abstract supplement and the WFNS 2017 Istanbul Congress app.


Abstract session and presentation schedules cannot be changed to accommodate presenting author scheduling conflicts.

Invited speaker and moderator schedules cannot be changed to accommodate abstract oral or poster presentations.

Presenting authors may appoint a Co-author listed on the abstract to serve as an alternate presenter.

(see "Presenting Author Responsibilities" below for more information).

Alternate presenting authors of oral abstract sessions must be listed as Co-authors on the abstract and must identify themselves to the moderator before the start of the session.

Abstracts are considered for either oral presentation or E-poster presentation.

As English is the designated language for the meeting, the presenting author is required to speak English when presenting.

If your abstract can only be presented as a poster, please check the appropriate box during the submission process.

The acceptance notification email will list the presentation format for each accepted abstract.

The Scientific Committee does not condone presentations given by an invited presenter who has not been intimately involved in the development of the data and who cannot meet the criteria for authorship.

To be eligible to present, presenting authors will be required to confirm agreement with the following affirmation statements at the time of submission:

– I confirm I had full access to all of the data in the study, and take responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis, and approved the data for presentation. – I confirm I made significant contributions to the study design, analysis or interpretation of results.

Oral presentations will be 10-minute podium presentations.

The presenter will have 7 minutes for presentation and 3 minutes for discussion.

Oral abstract presenters will be required to bring their presentation in an electronic format to the on-site Speaker Ready Room, where they will have the opportunity to review and/or revise presentations using computers in the room.

All presentations will be uploaded to a central server and sent to the appropriate meeting room on a secured intranet circuit prior to the start of the session.

All slides will be checked for adherence to ACCME policies by the staff prior to uploading the presentation.

Oral abstract final presentation numbers are published in the congress app.

Oral Presentation Slide Requirements Slide #1 must be your title slide.

Slide #2 must be your disclosure slide. Your disclosure statement should list all commercial relationships relevant to your specific talk. Disclosures must never include the use of a trade name or a product-group message.

Do not reference any company/product brand names during your presentation. However, institution logos (e.g., non-company/product logos such as universities, non-profit associations and government agencies) are allowed in the body of your presentation.

Abstracts must not contain any advertising, trade names or a product-group message

Poster presentations facilitate one-on-one interaction between the presenters and attendees. Posters are grouped by topic and displayed in the E-poster hall area on August 21-25. One poster session will be held each day.

Poster Presenter Expectations

In order to ensure a positive experience for both attendees and poster presenters, it is important to make sure that all posters are properly uploaded before the congress.

Presenting Author Responsibilities

At the time of submission, the person submitting the abstract must identify who will be designated as the presenting author. The presenter is required to speak English when presenting, as this is the designated language for the meeting.

The presenting author will be the sole point of contact for information regarding the submission and is responsible for the following:

Ensuring each co-author is aware of the content of the abstract and supports its data. Failure to receive approval from each co-author will result in the abstract being disqualified.

Ensuring each co-author is aware of the disclosure requirements.

Adhering to the Abstract Disclosure Policy and obtaining disclosure information from all co-authors.

Forwarding abstract acceptance/rejection notifications and ACCME and Scientific Committee polices to each co-author.

Notifying each co-author of any changes to the program, as corresponded by the Scientific Committee in a timely manner.

Presenting the abstract or arranging for a co-author to present the abstract if it is selected. (Only co- authors listed on the accepted abstract may serve as alternate presenting author.)

Appointing a co-author to present the abstract in your absence if a schedule conflict is identified before the meeting (i.e., if you have accepted an invitation to participate as an invited speaker, moderator or poster). The Scientific Committee will not collect alternate presenter information or make any presenting author corrections to publications.

Complying with stipulated responsibilities or be subject to corrective action as deemed appropriate by the Scientific Committee.

Submission or acceptance of an abstract does not register you for the meeting. All presenting authors are required to register and pay the appropriate registration fees.

As abstract presentation dates will be finalized in early May, presenting authors should plan to attend the entire meeting.

Scheduled abstract sessions will not be changed to accommodate travel schedules.

More registration and housing details can be found at Registration Information.


Proofread abstracts carefully to avoid errors prior to submission.

Your abstract, if selected, will be published online exactly as submitted.

You may return to the online submission site to revise your abstract until noon CET on March 27, 2017.

After this date/time, the submission site will close and no additional changes, edits, revisions, etc. can be made – no exceptions.

Should a submission contain errors or the omission of contributing author names after the deadline, presenters may opt to have the abstract withdrawn.


After March 27, 2017, presenting authors may submit a request to have an abstract withdrawn. All requests can only be made by the presenting author and must be submitted via e-mail

to: Withdrawal requests must include the following:

– Abstract ID Number- Abstract Title– Presenting Author's Name

Removal of withdrawn abstracts from meeting publications cannot be guaranteed if the request is received after April 17, 2017.

Abstract Embargo Policy

Accepted abstracts are made available to the public online in advance of the meeting and are published in a special online abstract book. Information contained in those abstracts may not be released until the abstracts appear online. Academic institutions, private organizations and companies with products whose value may be influenced by information contained in an abstract may issue a press release to coincide with the availability of an Scientific Committee abstract on the Congress website. However, the Scientific Committee continues to require that information that goes beyond that contained in the abstract (e.g., discussion of the abstract done as part a scientific presentation or presentation of additional new information that will be available at the time of the meeting) is under embargo until 5:00 PM CET on August 20, 2017.

Violation of this policy may result in the abstract being withdrawn from the meeting and other measures deemed appropriate. Authors are responsible for notifying financial and other sponsors about this policy. If you have questions about the abstract embargo policy, please contact the Organizing Secretariat

Copyright Policy

The WFNS 2017 Istanbul Congress is a private event. Programs presented at the congress are for the education of attendees and purchasers of recorded presentations as authorized by the WFNS 2017 Istanbul Congress Officers. The information and materials displayed and presented during this meeting are the property of the WFNS 2017 Istanbul Congress and the presenter and cannot be photographed, copied, photocopied, transformed to electronic format, reproduced, or distributed without written permission of the WFNS 2017 Istanbul Congress Officers and the presenter. Any use of the program content for commercial purposes, which includes, but is not limited to oral presentations, audiovisual materials used by speakers, and program handouts without the written consent of the WFNS 2017 Istanbul Congress Officers is prohibited. This policy applies before, during and after the meeting. The WFNS 2017 Istanbul Congress Officers will enforce its intellectual property rights and penalize those who infringe upon it.

The names, insignias, logos and acronyms of the WFNS 2017 Istanbul Congress are proprietary marks. Use of the names in any fashion, by any entity, for any purpose, is prohibited without the express written permission of the WFNS 2017 Istanbul Congress Officers.


Credentialed media attend the annual meeting to cover stories for consumer, trade and other media outlets and are easily identified by their black press ribbons. Media has access to all general sessions and limited access (at the discretion of speakers) to Meet the Professor and Workshop sessions. Media may use hand-held audio recorders and still cameras (assuming that intellectual property copyrights are respected); moving video recording is also permitted with the permission of the presenter(s). The exception to this policy is that no photos or video are allowed in the Exhibit Hall and no photos or video are allowed in the Poster Hall without permission from the poster presenter. Press who would like general photos of the Exhibit Hall can obtain these after the meeting from the Scientific Committee . Attendees who have questions about the Congress' media policies should contact the Organization Secretariat at .

Photographs and Video Recording Policy

As a courtesy to our presenters, WFNS 2017 Istanbul Congress policy does not permit photographs or recordings during educational sessions, including poster sessions. The only exception to this is for registered media, who should review their registration materials for more information.

Abstract Reprint (Reproduction) Policy

Copyright law covers all congress abstracts published by the WFNS 2017 Istanbul Abstract Book. All rights reserved. No abstracts may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the prior permission of the Publisher.

For the purposes of this statement, the term "WFNS 2017 Istanbul Congress Abstracts" refers to all congress abstracts as published in Congress Abstract Book and posted online, including the abstracts accepted for presentation during scientific sessions and the late-breaking category.

For the purposes of this statement, the term "Congress Posters" refers to the accepted abstract POSTER PRESENTATIONS as presented in the poster hall during the annual meeting.This does not include abstract text published in the online supplement of Congress Abstract Book. All Congress Posters are the property of the WFNS 2017 Istanbul Congress or the presenting author and cannot be reproduced or distributed without written permission from the WFNS 2017 Istanbul Congress Officers and the presenting author.

For the purposes of this statement, the term "reproduce" includes all forms of reproduction including, but not limited to, print, electronic and photographed formats.

For the purposes of this statement, the term "presenting author" refers to the author who is designated as the individual who will present the work during the Congress, as identified through the abstract submission process.